About Us - JRS Digital Photos

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About Us

We have all heard the adage "a picture is worth a thousand words".  I am a firm believer in this saying, and I would even go as far to say "a picture is worth a million words".  A picture can tell a story - many different stories.  A picture can capture a moment in time - one that you may never experience or see again.  It can capture emotions - happiness, sadness, fear, shock and sometimes even disbelief.  I want to help capture all of these unforgettable moments so that you may cherish them forever.

My name is Jeffrey R. Sarnocinski and I am the owner and operater of JRS DIgital Photography.  I operate my business in Eagleville, Pennsylvania with my gifted assistant Stacey A. Rymkiewicz.

With over 30 years experience as a photographer, I am committed to capturing the unique images - and stories - that you desire.

Copyright 2017. All rights reserved.
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